Saturday 22 June 2013

A Foggy Welcome to the South Island!

Having got an overnight ferry from Wellington to Picton, we started driving down the West Coast to Franz Josef in the glacier country.

The west coast drive is supposed to be filled with dramatic views of the coastline with beautiful rock formations and crashing waves ... but unfortunately most of our view was obscured by thick fog!!  We still managed to glimpses of stunning scenery at certain points on our drive.

Punakaiki, aka Pankake Rocks is seen on the left.  This is home to the dramatic scenery of the limestone country of Paparoua National Park.

These formations seen are limestone, and began forming 30 million years ago when lime-rich fragments of dead marine creatures were depostited on the sea bed and became overlaid with soft mud and clay.  This sead bed was raised above sea level by earthquakes and this formed the dramatic coastline we see today

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